


Read Sawnie’s poem “Clothespins on the Line” in the April, 2017 issue of  Poetry.


Link to Poem
-Sawnie’s Workshops and Readings


2010 Poetry Society of America George Bogin Memorial Award

“Cochiti Lake, 1989”

Judge: Hettie Jones

“Drawn immediately to the imagery in Sawnie Morris’s poem, upon second look I thought that what held me most was its rhythm, the sure line, how the poem used the space on the page to lead the reader in. But as I read “Cochiti Lake, 1989” over and over (aloud, too), I decided that even though all these accomplishments proved unfailingly true, what finally makes this poem work so well, and why I find it so deserving, is its own living presence, its connecting of the personal with the political, the singular to the plural, how it reaches from one breathing body to another. Olson taught that the poem is an energy transfer from the poet to the reader. Here we have energy aplenty. What we didn’t know of cadmium, cesium, hexavalent chromium and all the rest, we must now accept—in ourselves in the body politic, in the body of the earth we have oppressed Sawnie Morris fulfills, on all fronts, the mission of the George Bogin Award: “We didn’t know…where we could no longer swim/where and what we could no longer drink,” she writes, and leads us from water to the inevitable: “Consider…being ‘re-suspended in high winds.'”

Hettie Jones, Author of beat generation memoir, How I Became Hettie Jones, and the Poetry Society Award-winning collection, Drive; as well as All Told, Doing 70, and The Trees Stand Shining: Poetry of the North American Indians; founding editor with her then husband (LeRoi Jones/Amiri Baraka) of Yugen


“Sawnie Morris’ workshops are profound experiences. She creates a powerful and positive space within which poets (and poetry) can flourish.  A poet, no matter if beginner or seasoned, does not come out of one unchanged.”

Jen Acampora, poet

“Sawnie Morris is that rarest of souls who is gifted as both an extraordinary poet and an exceptional teacher. She shines witness on all voices with an intelligent sense of craft, X-ray ears, and a heart as big as the high desert sky. I work with her whenever possible–and find that I’m a deeper, better writer every time. I’ve studied with a wide, wide range of teachers, and Sawnie is among the best of the best.”

Kate O’Neill, Ed.D., Director/Professor/Poet, UNM-Taos

“As long as I know that I’m signed up twice or at least once a year for Sawnie’s Poem-a-Day workshop I know that I will be in my poetry mind-set again. That week we spend writing, workshopping and communing over words gives me the energy and inspiration for months afterwards!”

Robin Shawver, Finalist for Omnidawn 1st/2nd Poetry Book Award, Judge C.D. Wright, Author: Double Shot Straight

“A unique experience combined with an intelligent and gently guided intensity…”

Alan McCrae, Building Contractor Board of Directors, SOMOS

“I’ve taken Sawnie Morris’ Poem-A-Day workshop twice and each time it was inspiring and deeply valuable to my poetic spirit. The process of pulling a poem from your essence, on demand, is a delicate thing and is nurtured by kindness and empathy toward both the poet’s process and the content. Sawnie establishes a high standard for deep thoughtfulness in the group. As a result I felt respected and appreciated while still receiving skilled critique.”

Hannah Rappaport, Author of Love on the Brink of History, a memoir of spiritual initiation

“Studying with Sawnie was a wonderful learning experience! Her dedication, commitment, and teaching skills restored my confidence and carried me forward to a whole new level in my abilities as a writer..”

Lillian Silva, Head Chef,  SMU-Taos